Andreas Rauh
Andreas Rauh
Published 07 December 2024

Outlet Pass Drill

This is a simple outlet passing drill to work on the fundamentals.

Continue this drill until all players have played both positions, on both sides of the court.

Outlet pass on the right side
  • Player 1 will start with the ball in front of the backboard. They will toss the ball off the backboard to themselves, practicing good rebounding techniques.
  • On the rebound, their partner will cut from the elbow to the sideline calling, "outlet!".
  • On the pass, Player 2 will dribble towards the middle and our rebounder (player 1) will sprint to fill the lane behind them. Start with a basic chest pass, but you could also practice the overhead pass for longer outlets in this drill as well.
Return back to the line

After reaching half-court, return to the back of the line.

Outlet pass on the left side

Repeat on the other side of the court

Continue from here

Return to the back of the line, and right side will go. This continues alternating until all players have played both spots (rebounder and dribbler) and then switch lines and repeat.

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