Andreas Rauh
Andreas Rauh
Published 29 August 2023

5 Out - Pass and Cut

"Pass and Cut" is the simplest concept of the 5-Out Offense.

Every time you pass, you must cut to the rim.

After the pass, the other 5 players rotate to the closest available spot on the floor.

Phase 1
  • 1 passes to 2
  • 1 cuts hard to the rim, looking for the give-and-go for a layup
Phase 2
  • 2 fills the next open spot
  • 4 replaces 2
  • 1 replaces 4
Phase 3
  • We are now back into the 5-out format and the motion continues
  • 3 passes to 2
  • 3 cuts to the rim
Phase 4
  • 5 fills the empty spot
  • 3 replaces 5
Phase 5
  • The motion continues from here
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