Andreas Rauh
Andreas Rauh
Published 24 December 2023

4 Out - High Post Screening Options

  • With this option, you are positioning your inside player at the free throw line or elbows (think Princeton offense).
  • This can really open up cutting to the rim since there is nobody on the block at all if you line up this way.
  • This is also a prime position for the inside player to set screens for cutters going to the rim after they pass. They are in a great spot to set ball screens as well.
  • You can also pass to this player and use them as a facilitator/passer from the high post spot.
Phase 1
  • 1 passes to 2
Phase 2
  • 5 screens 1 on his cut to the rim
Phase 3
  • 3 and 1 fill the open slots
Phase 4
  • Now, 5 sets a ball screen for 2
  • 2 attacks off the dribble
  • 3 and 1 move in the direction of the drive
Phase 5
  • 2 reads the ball screen, 5 rolls, 4 replaces
  • 2 makes the proper read
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